Environmental Management Procedure
Each environmental program page at this website has a section titled TRAINING AND COMMUNICATION which presents material specific to that program and relevant to this EMS element.
Internal Communication
The EMS Team is responsible for communication of the EMS Policy to all employees by using this website.
The EMS Coordinator communicates with the EMS Team, environmental program managers, members sitting on the Management Review, unit Environmental Compliance Coordinators (ECC), and others within the Marine Corps who are interested in the installation's environmental affairs.
Unit ECC's communicate environmental information to personnel in their units.
Personnel report EMS deficiencies or refinements to their unit ECC or directly to the EMS Coordinator. The EMS coordinator will respond to reports of deficiencies or shortcomings in accordance with the Problem Solving EMS Element 14 (scroll down to EMS Element 14).
EMS documentation is uploaded to ECMS per guidance in MCO 5090.2 (JUN 2018)
External Communication of Information
Regulatory Agencies - The Environmental Management Division Director has authorized Environmental Program Managers to contact the regulatory agencies as needed. With the ever-changing flexibility and diversification of electronic media, Program Managers maintain individual pertinent documentation within their own email and telephone logs as appropriate. If the communication notification relates to an enforcement action, EMD staff will follow the procedure established in MCO 5090.2 (JUN 2018).
Non-regulatory External Parties - Inquiries and communications concerning the MCAS’s EMS and/or environmental performance are directed to EMS Team, the EMD staff, or other cognoscente staff for determination of an appropriate response. Based on the circumstances of the communication received, the EMS Team or other appropriate staff will determine the best course of action and notify the EMD Director. The EMD Director will direct action, as appropriate; recording relevant information in email or telephone logs as appropriate. With the exception of regulatory agencies, the Public Affairs Office will often select the most appropriate method to communicate with external stakeholders and interested parties.
As a standard of business practice, any communication with external parties other than regulatory agencies, is made between the program manager and the interested party with a courtesy copy (cc) to the EMD department heads as appropriate. All documentation of conversations with these interested parties is maintained by the appropriate person (Program Manager, SME, EMD Dept Head, etc.) within the department. The EMD Director maintains copies of all communications from external parties, other than regulators, on environmental matters as needed. All records of external communications are maintained in accordance with the Control of Records EMS Element 15 (scroll down to EMS Element 15).
Outreach to Interested Parties
MCAS Miramar may solicit the views of external interested parties on its environmental program EMS, as the need arises. Such situations may include facility expansions, application for issuance or renewal of environmental permits, special events such as Earth Day, occurrence of an emergency response situations, etc. The Public Affairs Office will coordinate and document these kinds of outreach.
The results of, effectiveness of, and need to continue, proactive external communication efforts will be evaluated during the Management Review process.
Communication of Emergency Situations
All personnel are responsible for reporting environmental hazards, accidents, and emergency situations immediately upon discovery, in accordance with the Facility Response Plan.