Environmental Management Procedure
The EMS Team and EMD Program Managers will identify all record requirements appropriate to environmental programs and practices and essential to the effective operation of the EMS.
The EMS Coordinator will maintain records related to records relating to the monitoring of practices and tracking of objectives and targets, compliance evaluations, EMS audits, and management reviews, using the electronic document library function of EMPortal, and this website.
Environmental program and division managers will maintain records according to regulatory and policy requirements and maintain them at this website, the Miramar internal intranet or local servers, and the USMC’s EMPortal.
Environmental program managers will retain agency records relating to hazardous substance releases per 42 U.S.C 7401-7671, SSIC 5090.3; 33 U.S.C 1251-1387; and 42 U.S.C 300f-300j-26. (This requirement generally applies to environmental restoration (ER) program records consisting of the ER administrative record for the Miramar. Other agency records related to the ER program shall, pending promulgation of EPA regulations for their disposition, be retained in accordance with the most stringent requirements of reference 42 U.S.C 7401-7671 and Navy ER program policy.)
All records or classes of records will be noted in the Listing of Environmental Records , which identifies the record owner(s), storage location, storage format (electronic or hard copy), and retention guidelines.
Records are generated and maintained in an electronic format, where possible but, in some cases, hard copy records may be maintained. In such cases:
- Hard copy records will be screened for legibility and cases of illegibility will be handled as a nonconformance item.
- The EMS Coordinator shall review all areas where hard copy records are stored. Storage of records is provided in secure filing and/or storage cabinets in an environment which prevents damage, deterioration or loss or in an electronic data file with appropriate access control. Record storage areas shall be secure from unauthorized access and free from reasonable environmental threats (e.g., water leaks, extreme temperatures, etc.).
Record retention requirements are established by various authorities: regulatory agencies, orders, contracts, etc. Retention times listed on the Listing of Records establish the minimum duration that each type of record must be maintained. EMS audits will periodically assess record retention requirements.
Records that are maintained beyond applicable retention times will be archived. Potentially sensitive records, such as personnel-related or legal records, are destroyed prior to their disposal. Non-sensitive records are managed with other waste office papers.
Training Records
Copies of the previous record and document procedures are contained in the Old Documents Records and Procedures archive document.