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Natural Resources

Program Manager
Director, Natural Resources
(858) 307-1125

The Natural Resources Division is responsible for natural resource conservation and compliance aboard MCAS Miramar.  Primary resources of management and conservation concern involve threatened and endangered species, wetlands, invasive plant control, and soil conservation.

Federal Laws and Applicable Regulations
(also see Chapter 6 - Integrated Natural Resources Mgmt. Plan)

Endangered Species Act

MCAS Miramar provides habitat that supports eleven (11) federally listed threatened and endangered species (2 birds, 3 invertebrates (fairy shrimp and butterfly), and 6 plants).  These species are widely distributed throughout the Station.  As a result, conservation and compliance with the Endangered Species Act is a primary focus the MCAS Miramar natural resource management program.  Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act requires that we consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding any action that “may affect” a threatened or endangered species.   

Guidelines for Preparing Biological Assessments for Section 7 ESA Consultation, MCAS Miramar

Clean Water Act
Section 404, Clean Water Act, requirements for permitting actions that would place dredge or fill material into “waters of the United States”, including wetlands, are of principle natural resources management concern on MCAS Miramar.  MCAS Miramar strives to avoid impacts to “waters of the U.S.”.  Avoiding impacts to “waters of the U.S.” conserves our resources and avoids the need for lengthy and time-consuming permit processing that delays mission accomplishment.

The Section 404 regulatory program is administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACoE), Civil Works, Regulatory section with oversight by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  MCAS Miramar is within the Los Angeles District (ACoE) that has a local regulatory office in Carlsbad, California.

Migratory Bird Treaty Act

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 was codified as federal law to implement protective regulations for migratory birds traveling between the United States and Canada.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service enforces the MBTA to prevent the unlawful pursuit, hunting, taking, capturing, killing or selling of birds meeting the classification of migratory.

Other Relevant Laws and Executive Policy

Department of Defense, Department of the Navy, and USMC Policy

Operating Procedures for Wildlife Aboard the Installation

Wildlife Problems and Complaints

For issues involving snakes, rodents, rabbits, and insects:

  • Call Public Works Trouble Desk at 307-1609/1619.

 For issues involving live birds, call the base Wildlife Biologist at 307-6498

  • Natural Resources Division guidance for Migratory Birds
  • Response for bird nest in vehicles and building
  • Nesting Birds SOP

For issues involving land mammals aboard the installation, view the following SOP:

Endangered Species Act, Section 7 Consultation: – The Natural Resources Division staff for the Environmental Management Department processes these consultations on behalf of MCAS Miramar. Action proponents are responsible for ensuring the preparation of documentation needed to support Endangered Species Act consultation. Documentation requirements are described in the Endangered Species Act links above.

Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permitting: The Environmental Management Department processes Clean Water Act permitting applications on behalf of MCAS Miramar. The Natural Resources Division staff assists with Section 404 permitting, and the Environmental Engineering Division staff assists with associated Section 401 Water Quality Certifications. Action proponents are responsible for ensuring the preparation of documentation and/or permit applications needed. The Clean Water Act links above provide information regarding the permitting process and requirements.


Endangered Species Act Consultations (Contact NRD)

Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permits (Contact NRD)

Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP)
     The Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) for MCAS Miramar integrates the land use needs of the air station in support of its military mission with the management and conservation of natural resources.  The INRMP establishes MCAS Miramar's approach and guidelines relative to natural resources to accomplish this end.  This INRMP does not dictate land use decisions, rather it provides important resource and regulatory information to support sound land use decisions and natural resource management.

     The INRMP summarizes baseline resource information to ensure compliance with regulatory and planning processes, such as those required by the National Environmental Policy Act, Endangered Species Act, and Clean Water Act.  It fulfills other responsibilities with regard to Department of Defense and Marine Corps policies, and legal requirements regarding natural resource planning.  The INRMP is annually reviewed with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Wildlife and is updated and approved every five years.

Read the MCAS Miramar INRMP, by chapter:

Supporting Information


  1. Range Operations and Training

Environmental Aspects

  1. Protection of sensitive habitats for threatened and endangered species
    1. Operations or training exercises in natural areas of MCAS Miramar must be approved through the Public Works or Training Area Management Office in coordination with the EMD in order ensure the protection of plant and animal species.
    2. Prevent the taking of plant and animal species.
  2. Streambed (riparian) areas
    1. Protect the environmentally sensitive stream areas, washes and other riparian areas on the installation so as not to disturb the ecosystem.
  3. Vernal pools
    1. Vernal pools are ephemeral wetlands that host the endangered fairy shrimp during the rainy season.
    2. The Station is implementing measures to educate Marines and other personnel aboard MCAS Miramar about areas that are restricted for training and off-roading.
  4. Bird Nesting
    1. MCAS Miramar is implementing measures to prevent bird nesting where incompatible with operations.
    2. If a bird nest contains eggs or young, it must be left alone until the young have flown away.

Impacts & Risks

  1. The EMD (Environmental Management Division) works on protecting the natural resources present on the ranges so that the Station can support the Marine Corp's goal to attain mission readiness.
  2. The EMD has worked on creating a map that identifies sensitive areas of biological significance at MCAS Miramar to prevent the degradation of the natural environment.


See Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan, Chapters 7 and 9 for Objectives and Management Actions.
POA&Ms for corrective actions are tracked, followed and resolved using the Marine Corps' Environmental Compliance Management System (ECMS).

  • Marine Corps Installations Command conducts triennial audits to review and monitor the program.  Internal review completed annually.
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar-EMS